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Aboriginal archaeological assessments

Unearthed Archaeology & Heritage are experts in the provision of Aboriginal archaeological assessments (sometimes called an Aboriginal heritage impact assessment, Aboriginal heritage assessment or Aboriginal cultural heritage impact assessment) to meet the requirements of both Council and the Office of Environment & Heritage (OEH) throughout Sydney and New South Wales. We have a detailed and thorough understanding of Aboriginal archaeology and cultural heritage assessment and management. 

Aboriginal archaeological assessments are undertaken to ensure that proposed development will not impact upon any evidence of Aboriginal occupation, such as Aboriginal objects, archaeological deposits, potential archaeological deposits, Aboriginal places or any areas of significance to the Aboriginal community. If proposed development is likely to impact on evidence of Aboriginal occupation, an Aboriginal archaeological assessment will provide clear, concise management recommendations for proponents and developers to ensure that Aboriginal archaeology and cultural heritage is appropriately managed. 

All Aboriginal archaeological assessments are undertaken in accordance with OEH's Guide to investigating, assessing and reporting on Aboriginal cultural heritage in NSW and the Code of Practice for Archaeological Investigation of Aboriginal Objects in NSW

Contact us for more information about Aboriginal archaeological assessments. 

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