About Us
Unearthed Archaeology & Heritage provide expertise in all aspects of archaeology and heritage management with our highly trained and qualified archaeologists and heritage specialists. We have offices based in Redfern in inner city Sydney and in Ootha in the NSW Central West. Our team can service any area of urban, rural or regional New South Wales.
We strive to achieve best practice outcomes for the archaeological record and heritage significance of a place or item and for our clients from all sectors of the construction industry.
At Unearthed Archaeology & Heritage we are focused on providing all services to the highest quality and working in the safest and most environmentally friendly manner.
Our team are highly qualified, experienced and trained with ongoing professional development at the forefront of our quality and safety policies. We partner with a wide range of specialists including architects, surveyors, soil scientists, palynologists, geomorphologists, scientists and photographers. Our team has the expertise to provide clear, concise and practical management solutions in respect of archaeology, heritage and project management.
Unearthed Archaeology & Heritage provide specialist expertise in all aspects of archaeology and heritage management. We are highly skilled in the provision of Aboriginal and historical (non-Aboriginal) archaeological assessments, heritage impact assessments, Aboriginal due diligence assessments, Statements of Heritage Impact (SoHIs), Conservation Management Plans (CMPs) and Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment Reports (ACHARs) and archaeological excavations.
We can prepare assessments and provide policies and management recommendations for Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) and Review of Environmental Factors (REFs). Our team has extensive experience in the preparation of Aboriginal Heritage Impact Permit (AHIP) applications and s140 and s60 permits from the NSW Heritage Council.
On site, our team of qualified archaeologists and heritage specialists and consultants can project manage all aspects of the archaeology and heritage component of any size project. With experience in archaeological excavation, monitoring and project management, we strive to achieve best practice outcomes in respect of archaeology and heritage for every client. We pride ourselves in ensuring that every aspect of our business adheres to the highest standards of safety, environment and quality.
Tory Stening is a qualified archaeologist with over 15 years' experience in Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal archaeology, heritage and cultural heritage management. She is highly experienced in all aspects of archaeology and heritage including survey, assessment, significance assessment, monitoring, testing and excavation.
She is highly qualified at preparing Aboriginal due diligence assessments, Aboriginal archaeological assessments, historical archaeological assessments, Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment Reports (ACHARs) and other archaeological and heritage related reports.
Tory has a thorough and detailed understanding of heritage legislation and planning legislation, policies and procedures in New South Wales and Australia. Her extensive experience includes the preparation of heritage assessment reports, archaeological assessment reports, Statements of Heritage Impact and Conservation Management Plans.
She possesses the detailed knowledge required to provide practical and achievable management recommendations for projects of any size in any part of NSW. She has developed a specialist knowledge in relation to archaeological deposits, heritage items, cultural landscapes and built heritage. She has trained in the conservation of historic buildings and works closely with property owners and developers to ensure that best practice outcomes are achieved.
Tory has developed a specialist expertise in the identification and analysis of Aboriginal lithic (stone) artefacts. She has developed a detailed understanding of the process of stone tool manufacture and is highly experienced in the cataloguing and analyses of Aboriginal stone tools.
In 2011, she was invited to Brown University, an Ivy League school in Providence, Rhode Island, to present a paper at a conference titled “Everybody Made Stone Tools: Exploring Methodology in Lithic Analysis” based on her own lithic analyses. She has a Master of Arts (Archaeology) from the University of New England.
Her Master’s thesis, titled From the Ground Down: A typological and technological analysis of a lithic assemblage from an Aboriginal site in central New South Wales, was an analysis of a stone tool assemblage excavated at Cowra.
Tory also worked on community outreach for an Australian documentary, Lake of Scars. Lake of Scars is a film exploring scarred trees, middens and stone scatters at one site in Victoria and the people working to conserve and protect these objects.
Tory is a full member of the Australian Association of Consulting Archaeologists Inc. (AACAI) and the International Committee on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS). She is also a member of the Australian Society of Historical Archaeologists (ASHA), the Australian Archaeological Association (AAA), the Institute of Maritime Archaeologists (AIMA) and the World Archaeology Congress (WAC).